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When dining at a restaurant and bringing your own wine, you may wonder what the etiquette is concerning corkage. A new article in Wine Spectator offers the do’s and don’ts of BYO.

Most people who bring their own wine are collectors, since it’s usually cheaper to order from the wine list than bringing in a more modestly-priced wine but be saddled with a large corkage fee.

Upscale restaurant often appreciate it if you order an MCC or Champagne from their menu first. Some restaurants will also not open a bottle if it already appears on their wine list. If you are unsure about whether your bottle is, it is better to check the menu online or call the restaurant beforehand. 

It is important to check the temperature of your bottle beforehand, as it is considered rude to ask the sommelier to shock warm red wine in ice water.


When dining at a restaurant and bringing your own wine, you may wonder what the etiquette is concerning corkage. A new article in Wine Spectator offers the do’s and don’ts of BYO.

Most people who bring their own wine are collectors, since it’s usually cheaper to order from the wine list than bringing in a more modestly-priced wine but be saddled with a large corkage fee.

Upscale restaurant often appreciate it if you order an MCC or Champagne from their menu first. Some restaurants will also not open a bottle if it already appears on their wine list. If you are unsure about whether your bottle is, it is better to check the menu online or call the restaurant beforehand. 

It is important to check the temperature of your bottle beforehand, as it is considered rude to ask the sommelier to shock warm red wine in ice water.

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